Headline News
12 Sep 2016
By Mary KennedyDTN Cash Grains Analyst The 2015-2016 crop year started out with soybean basis going strong as old-crop supplies were hard to find and processors had to pay a premium to flush out what was left until harvest started. The soybean cash index started out on Sept. 1, 2015, with the DTN National Average Basis at -15 under the November 20...
12 Sep 2016
By Chris Clayton DTN Ag Policy Editor and Emily Unglesbee DTN Staff Reporter WASHINGTON (DTN) -- USDA lowered corn production and yield slightly from last month's report while bumping up soybean production and yield as well. The monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) lowered corn production from August to 15.09 billion bus...
9 Sep 2016
By Andy BieblDTN Tax Columnist This month's column continues the discussion we began last month on tax alternatives to assist with higher education costs. Section 529 college savings plans, already a popular tool for parents and grandparents to invest funds for a youngster's higher education costs, were recently enhanced by Congress. THE BASICS T...
9 Sep 2016
By Darin NewsomDTN Senior Analyst At first glance, pre-report estimates for USDA's September Crop Production and Supply and Demand reports don't show anything overly shocking. Garnering the most attention will be yield and production estimates for corn and soybeans. And there we see a slight decrease in corn offset by small increases for soybeans. ...
8 Sep 2016
By Elaine KubDTN Contributing Analyst I know to what exact degree 21 grain market analysts were surprised Monday morning by USDA's September prognostications about the size of the 2016 corn and soybean crop. I know whether they were surprised at those numbers being too high or too low, and I know whether they were more surprised by the soybean esti...