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DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends

7 Jun 2018
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Average retail fertilizer prices finally began to decline the fourth week of May 2018 as spring application wrapped up, according to retailers surveyed by DTN. After weeks of prices for a few fertilizers moving slightly lower and then rising again, this is the first week most fertilizer prices are lowe...

View From the Cab

7 Jun 2018
By Pam SmithDTN Progressive Farmer Crops Technology Editor DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- It is the year for weather whiplash. Worries about getting the crop in the ground have been replaced with the next nagging concern: When will it rain again? Ohio-based Genny Haun and Kansas-reared Kyle Krier grew up on the farms where they work and have witnessed seas...

Handling Herbicide Injury

7 Jun 2018
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, MD (DTN) -- As 2,4-D and dicamba off-target injury reports start to trickle in across the South and Midwest, weed scientists and regulators are urging growers to stay on label. Texas cotton growers are seeing more 2,4-D damage to cotton than is normal this time of year, Texas A&M Extension Cotton Spe...

EPA Refiner Rules Challenged

6 Jun 2018
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- The ethanol industry and supporters in agriculture filed a formal petition on Monday with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to change its regulations to account for lost gallons of renewable fuels because of EPA's small refinery exemptions. The battle between biofuel supporters and EPA has...

DTN Fertilizer Outlook

6 Jun 2018
By Karl Stenerson Market Reporter - Fertecon Informa Agribusiness Intelligence Here is a breakdown of wholesale prices and trends of the various fertilizers: AMMONIA International: In May, the downtrend in ammonia prices came to an end, and international benchmarks inched upward in the second half of the month. Tightness of supply in the Far East c...
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